Licensing JWRG's QGEN and QDIS
Mapi Research Trust (MRT) is a non-profit organization that distributes JWRG’s Quality of Life (QOL) General (QGEN) and QOL Disease-Specific (QDIS) survey short forms worldwide. MRT offers royalty-free access to QGEN and QDIS for academic research, and commercial licenses for various organizations, including pharmaceutical companies, healthcare delivery organizations, and health information technology vendors. If you want to use QGEN and QDIS, you can make a request through MRT’s ePROVIDE platform.
Quality 0f Life General (QGEN®) Summary
JWRG has developed two more efficient measures to assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) using survey questionnaires. The Quality of Life General (QGEN) survey evaluates eight generic domains of HRQOL, including physical, role, and social functioning, pain, vitality, and emotional well-being. Read More
Quality 0f Life Disease Impact Scale (QDIS®) Summary
JWRG’s second survey, Quality of Life Disease Impact Scale (QDIS), is a family of more efficient disease specific HRQOL impact surveys with domain content as comprehensive as the best generic QOL surveys. QDIS forms use attributions to a specific disease to improve their discriminant validity. Read More